25. marta 2024. godine Evropska komisija organizuje Dan evropskih autora u cilju promovisanja čitalačke kulture i književnosti. U nastavku se nalaze detalji inicijative sa linkovima, te vas ovom prilikom pozivamo da se priključite i date doprinos ovom događaju na nacionalnom nivou u vašim školama i školskim bibliotekama.
"We are delighted to share with you the details about an initiative in the field of literature and reading and might be of your interest: the upcoming second edition of the Day of European Authors which will take place on 25 March 2024.
Reading is key for self-development and a great source of pleasure. The Day of European Authors is an initiative that celebrates reading and the great diversity of European literature. This initiative empowers young people to participate in activities such as meeting authors, debating on books and stories, learning about the process of publishing, translation and much more. This initiative seeks not only to expose young people to the richness of European literature but also to foster collaboration between education and culture.
To celebrate this day, we invite schools, libraries and bookshops across all Creative Europe countries to organise events involving young people around reading and discovering European literature.
Please help us share this information by inviting schools, libraries, bookshops to organise a reading event: to invite a writer, translator, illustrator, or publisher who is willing to do a reading session (or discussion/presentation) in their premises as part of the Day of European Authors. On the website you'll find the event planning guide, and some more useful resources and essential details on how to engage. There is a factsheet available along with some inspirational stories from the first edition.
We would also like to invite you to participate in the Day of European Authors conference in Leuven on 25th & 26th March 2024 or remotely for the first day only.
The European Commission is organising a conference with the objective to foster collaboration between the book and education sectors to tackle declining reading skills and habits among young people. We kindly invite you to register to attend the conference using this link."
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Sektor za međunarodnu saradnju i EU integracije
Ministarstvo prosvete RS